• What am I doing to cause my ribs to come out of alignment?
    What am I doing to cause my ribs to come out of alignment? If you have had a rib "go out" or if you've been told you that you have a Read more
  • I Felt Like my Ribs Were Sore After my Adjustment at the Chiropractor
    Chiropractic care is a holistic approach to treating neuromusculoskeletal pain and dysfunction. It is proven to be one of the safest and most effective forms of treatment for low back and neck pain. Like any profession, there is the risk of having an adverse response to treatment. This blog is to inform patients on the potential causes of rib soreness following treatment. Read more
  • Chiropractic Adjustment when the Chiropractor Rolls you onto your Back- Bozeman Chiropractor
    What is the Adjustment Called where the Chiropractor Rolls me over onto my Back to Adjust?  This is called an "Anterior Adjustment" or a "Bear Hug Adjustment." The adjustment got it's Read more
  • Adjustment where Chiropractor Pulls on your Leg- Bozeman Chiropractor
    Leg Pull Adjustment What is the Adjustment Called When the Chiropractor Pulls on your Leg?This adjustment in which the chiropractor pulls on your leg is called a long axis distraction adjustment. Read more
  • Chiropractic Adjustment When the Table Drops- Bozeman Chiropractor
    What is the adjustment called where the table drops as the chiropractor pushes on my low back? This adjustment where the table drops below you as the chiropractor pushes on your Read more
  • I have a rib out of place! What do you do?!
    Rib subluxation, or a misaligned rib, is a common condition seen in the chiropractic clinic and experienced by many patients. Rib subluxations or having a "rib out" can be extremely painful and at times can be so severe it may even mimic symptoms of a heart attack. We often see people with this condition that first went the ER because they were having sharp and severe chest pains as well as shortness of breath. Not to downplay these symptoms, as it possibly could be a much more severe condition, but many people spend thousands of dollars on medical visits and diagnostic tests in an effort to resolve rib conditions without ever getting an appropriate diagnosis. Rib subluxation can present with symptoms that range from a mild dull and achy pain to a severe stabbing and sharp pain that becomes more intense with deep breaths, coughing, sneezing or laughing. It may follow an injury or may manifest for seemingly no reason at all. It may also be associated with postural stresses may contribute to or cause symptoms. Most often, a doctor of chiropractic or medical doctor will diagnose a rib subluxation. Read more
  • Should you exercise with asthma?
    How does chiropractic help with asthma?  The third thoracic vertebrae or T3, is the exit point for specific nerves that innervate the lungs and bronchioles. If this segment is lacking mobility Read more


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