• Referral of the Week!
    I just wanted to post this letter that a patient of Gallatin Valley Chiropractic sent.  Thank you! Read more
  • Chiropractic and Knee Pain
    Chronic Knee Pain Chronic knee pain is a very common complaint and can be difficult to find relief from.  Those with knee complaints often become quickly discouraged as they seek care Read more
  • Fibromyalgia treatment by your Bozeman Chiropractor
    Fibromyalgia signs, symptoms, and treatment from a chiropractors perspective. Read more
  • What is causing your arthritis?
      Your doctor tells you that you have arthritis in your spine, and now you are concerned with what you did wrong and how it got there?  Is stress at work Read more
  • Workers Related Accidents
    Gallatin Valley Chiropractic accepts Workers Compensation Claims and coverage through work comp insurance, and  is typically 100% at our clinic with no out of pocket expenses! Call our office for Read more
  • How to choose a chiropractor- Bozeman Montana
    How to Choose a Chiropractor 1. Confidence with HonestyA chiropractor should gain confidence with his or her patients by first taking the time to do a proper exam in order to Read more


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11:00 am-4:00 pm