• Chiropractic Techniques
    Chiropractic Techniques There are over 100 named chiropractic techniques.  Most build on the foundation laid by other techniques and are then renamed by the doctor that developed the new technique. Some techniques Read more
  • Happy Birthday Chiropractic!
    Happy Birthday Chiropractic!   On this day in 1895, D.D. Palmer provided the first "chiropractic adjustment"...Well, sort of. Good old D.D., a "magnetic healer" at the time discovered that by adjusting the spine Read more
  • The Cost of Health Care
    The Cost of Health Care We have all heard it as a regular discussion topic, whether with family and friends or in political debate,  the cost of health care is discussed as Read more
  • Cleanse, Detox and Intermittent Fasting
    Cleanse, Detox and Intermittent Fasting, health benefit or buzzwords? Cleanse, Detox and Intermittent Fasting are without question "buzzwords" that get used frequently in healthcare...Much more frequently in "alternative health care" than Read more
  • Reflexes
    Reflexes and Neurological Pathways A reflex is an involuntary response to some stimulus (or inhibition) of the nervous system.  Most of us have noticed that when a doctor taps below the Read more
  • Good Luck Bridger Ridge Runners!
    Good Luck and Congratulations to the Bridger Ridge Runners! Running can be intense on the body...the Bridger Ridge Run, put on by the Big Sky Wind Drinkers, is at a whole different Read more
  • Text Neck: A health Issue of Pandemic Proportion
    Text Neck: A health Issue of Pandemic Proportion The health effects of a head forward posture have been known and studied for many years. It is well known that this posture Read more
  • Coffee...Healthy or Unhealthy?
    Coffee...Healthy or Unhealthy? There are big grey areas regarding health when it comes to coffee. The first point to consider is that coffee (caffeine) is a drug...plain and simple...it has been Read more
  • Chronic Pain...cause or effect?
    Chronic (long term, persistent) pain can come in many forms.  Sometimes, it is due to arthritis or other disease condition; other times, it is due to a less specific condition. Read more
  • Kinesiology Tape...an appropriate Treatment Choice?
    Kinesiology Tape...an appropriate Treatment Choice? Kinesiology tape (KT) is an elastic tape that was designed by a chiropractor to help muscles, improve neurological control of an area, reduce local pain and Read more
  • Imaging (x-rays, MRI, CT and Ultrasound)
    Imaging (x-rays, MRI, CT and Ultrasound) Learning to understand imaging is an integral part of the education of a Doctor of Chiropractic.  The need for imaging should be weighed appropriately as Read more
  • Is Gluten Intolerance real or just a new FAD disease??
    Gluten Intolerance? Health conditions associated with Gluten have become a "fad" of sorts among health care providers and people that self-diagnose... Gluten is a protein found in wheat and other similar grains. Celiac Read more
  • Should I see a Chiropractor if I am pregnant?
    Should I see a Chiropractor if I am pregnant? The quick and easy answer is YES!...but why? A high percentage of women experience low back and pelvic pain while pregnant.  Chiropractic has been Read more
  • Time for a new Pillow?
    Is it Time for a New Pillow? It is standard recommendations to change your pillow every other year, two years in-between max. At two years. The reason for this is because Read more
  • The truth behind Vitamin I (ibuprofen) and its side effects!
    Vitamin I? INTRODUCTIONThere is not a vitamin I, but sometimes people take Ibuprofen as if they had a deficiency with it and desperately need to replenish their system with it.Ibuprofen is Read more
  • Dealing Crack?
    Dealing Crack? Chiropractic is often associated with cracking or popping (cavitation) of the spine.  Many people (some doctors and many patients) feel that the crack is required for benefit from care. Read more


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