• I have a rib out of place! What do you do?!
    Rib subluxation, or a misaligned rib, is a common condition seen in the chiropractic clinic and experienced by many patients. Rib subluxations or having a "rib out" can be extremely painful and at times can be so severe it may even mimic symptoms of a heart attack. We often see people with this condition that first went the ER because they were having sharp and severe chest pains as well as shortness of breath. Not to downplay these symptoms, as it possibly could be a much more severe condition, but many people spend thousands of dollars on medical visits and diagnostic tests in an effort to resolve rib conditions without ever getting an appropriate diagnosis. Rib subluxation can present with symptoms that range from a mild dull and achy pain to a severe stabbing and sharp pain that becomes more intense with deep breaths, coughing, sneezing or laughing. It may follow an injury or may manifest for seemingly no reason at all. It may also be associated with postural stresses may contribute to or cause symptoms. Most often, a doctor of chiropractic or medical doctor will diagnose a rib subluxation. Read more
  • "Pregnancy Brain"...Insane in the Membrane?
    "Pregnancy Brain" Hearing people use the term "pregnancy brain" to justify mental "slips" has generated inquiry and insight for this week's blog.  The question being, is there really anything to "pregnancy Read more
  • Spring Cleaning
    Spring Cleaning? With the arrival of Springtime, Gallatin Valley Chiropractic would like to invite you to join Dr. Blair in cleansing your body through a safe and gentle food-based program with Read more
  • Ketosis
    Ketosis A natural state of ketosis occurs in the body when we go without eating for an extended period of time. Once our body has used up easily consumed glucose for Read more
  • Androgen Deprivation Therapy for Prostate Cancer
    Androgen Deprivation Therapy for Prostate Cancer Recently, a patient asked what I know about Androgen Deprivation Therapy (ADT) for prostate cancer as she is concerned about her aging father. As an Read more
  • Medical Imaging and Exposure to Radiation
    Medical Imaging and Exposure to Radiation Doctors of Chiropractic receive extensive training in radiology and radiographic interpretation. Part of that training includes an emphasis on reducing unnecessary radiation exposure. Have you Read more
  • Chiropractic as Cancer Treatment?
    Chiropractic as Cancer Treatment? Chiropractic is neither a cure nor a treatment for cancer...and, there is no research that shows that it reduces the risks for cancer.  So, why would we Read more
  • New Years Resolution?
    Happy New Year, 2016 is here!...with the New Year many have adopted resolutions that include improving health. A problem with most New Year’s resolutions is that, for most, the resolutions Read more
  • Tips for Safe Snow Shoveling
    Tips for Safe Snow Shoveling Currently, at Gallatin Valley Chiropractic, we have been seeing many patients that are coming in due to back pain after shoveling snow. With the hopes of preventing Read more
  • Avoid Injury during this Year's Ski Season!
    Avoid Injury during this Year's Ski Season! The lifts are running...Oh yes, your doctors at Gallatin Valley Chiropractic get excited when the snow falls!  We would like to take a moment Read more
  • Tips for Effective Studying
    Final Exams are upon you! For MSU students it is final exam week!  This is a good time to consider applying healthy and effective studying habits.  Whether you have procrastinated on Read more
  • Postural Stress at Work
    Reducing Postural Stress at Work Neck and back pain are very common complaints among people that spend a lot of time in front of a computer or sitting at a desk.  Read more
  • Is Beer actually GOOD for you!?
    Beer…because it’s good for you! We all know that drinking a glass of red wine a day can help prevent cardiovascular disease, but how about drinking beer?  Can it be good Read more
  • Montana's Most Anticipated Season! Happy Hunting!
    Montana's Most Anticipated Season!  Happy Hunting! Some people call it Autumn, many of us, here in Montana, call it Hunting Season! With the opening of deer and elk rifle hunting season, Gallatin Read more
  • The Risk of Dietary Supplementation
    The Risk of  Dietary Supplementation On October 15, 2015 the New England Journal of Medicine published a study that reports on Emergency Department Visits for Adverse Events Related to Dietary Supplements.  While Read more
  • Happy October, National Chiropractic Health Month!
    Happy October 2015 National Chiropractic Health Month! Chiropractic has been providing drug free health care since 1895.  Well know for its efficacy in treating back and neck conditions, chiropractic is also very Read more


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